Medical Coding

Category - ICD-10-CM Volumes 1 and 2

A patient with a history of asthma is seen in the office for an acute nasopharyngitis (common cold) and increasing difficulty breathing, even using her albuterol inhaler at home 2-3 times a day. She is diagnosed with a common cold and mild intermittent asthma with acute exacerbation. What is the correct sequence of ICD-10-CM codes for this patient?
  1. J45.21, J22
  2. J45.20, J00
  3. J45.31, J00
  4. J45.21, J00
Answer: D - J45.21, J00 is the correct sequence of codes for this patient because J45.21 is the correct code for mild intermittent asthma with acute exacerbation and J00 is the correct code for acute nasopharyngitis, also known as the common cold.
Code J45.20 is incorrect because this code is for uncomplicated mild intermittent asthma. Code J45.31 is incorrect because this code is for mild persistent asthma with acute exacerbation and J22 is incorrect because this code is for unspecified lower respiratory infection.
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