FPGEE Foreign Pharmacy

Category - Pharmaceutical

A patient that is newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) comes in to your pharmacy and is anxious about the interferon injections she was told to give herself. What would be among the things you tell her?
  1. Freeze the pre-made syringe and thaw it out about an hour before you need to inject.
  2. Keep the syringe in the refrigerator, rotate the areas where you inject, and use NSAIDS for any flu-like symptoms.
  3. You can store the syringe at room temperature.
  4. There must be a mistake-interferon is not used to treat MS.
Answer: B - Interferon (IFN) is used to treat MS and comes in an injectable form. It should be kept refrigerated between uses, but can be at room temperature for the injection. It should not be frozen. Rotating the areas for injection will minimize pain. NSAIDS are appropriate for the flu-like symptoms that often accompany IFN use.
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