Medical Coding

Category - Medicine

A patient has a bronchoscopy scheduled to ablate abnormal tissue by using photodynamic therapy by endoscopic application of light to activate photosensitive drugs. This patient’s procedure takes 50 minutes to complete. What is the correct code(s) for this procedure?
  1. 31622, 96570
  2. 31622, 96570, 96571
  3. 31623, 96570
  4. 31623, 96570, 96571
Answer: B - 31622 is the correct code for bronchoscopy. Code 96570 is a correct add-on code for the first 30 minutes of photodynamic therapy by endoscopic application of light to ablate abnormal tissue via activation of photosensitive drugs. Code 96571 is also a correct add-on code for each additional 15 minutes.

Code 31623 is incorrect because this is for a bronchoscopy with brushings.
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