MTEL Foundations of Reading

Category - Foundations of Reading

A group of third-grade students reads a poem aloud accurately but without much expression. Before asking the students text-dependent questions about the poem's content, the teacher spends time focusing on phrase-cueing. For example, the teacher asks the students to "Read the phrase that tells us________" or "Identify the phrase that describes________". After focusing on key phrases, the teacher conducts an expressive oral reading of the poem, focusing on proper pausing and expression, especially with respect to the phrases they discussed. Finally, the teacher leads the students in an expressive choral reading of the poem. Engaging the students in these activities prior to discussing the meaning of the poem demonstrates the teacher's understanding of:
  1. The concept that poetry must be read aloud in order for readers to fully appreciate it.
  2. The importance of accuracy as the foundation of reading fluency and comprehension.
  3. The role of fluency as a bridge between simply decoding a text and comprehending it.
  4. The interrelationships between the three key indicators of oral reading fluency.
Correct Response: C. Option C is correct because the phrase-cueing activity described both highlights phrases that convey essential ideas in the poem and provides students with a context in which to speak about the phrases in a meaningful way. Recognizing component phrases in a written text is essential to reading the text with prosody—that is, reading with the natural phrasing and meaningful expression found in spoken language. Prosody is one of the three key indicators of reading fluency. Reading phrases expressively both supports and is supported by text comprehension. Options A, B, and D are incorrect because these options do not accurately reflect the lesson described. Reading aloud the poem (prior to analyzing its key phrases) does not result in appreciation of beauty or meaning in the poem (A). The phrase-cueing activities do not focus on developing students' decoding accuracy (B). Finally, the lesson focuses on only one key indicator of reading, prosody, and not on the other indicators, accuracy or reading rate (D).
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