Podiatry and Medical - Set 2

Category - Podiatry Part II

A child with blue scleras, mildly short stature, and no deformity with a history significant for 10 fractured bones most likely has:
  1. Type I osteogenesis imperfecta
  2. Type II osteogenesis imperfecta
  3. Type III osteogenesis imperfecta
  4. Type IV osteogenesis imperfect
Answer − A − A child with blue scleras, mildly short stature, and no deformity with a history significant for 10 fractured bones most likely has Type I osteogenesis imperfect, which is the mildest type. Type II is severe and usually lethal in the perinatal period. Type III is considered progressive and deforming. Type IV is deforming, but with normal scleras.
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