ASVAB Practice Math Questions

Category - Math - Hard

A bacteria multiply every minute. If initially there are 104 number of bacteria, what will be the number after 6 minutes?
  1. 2(104)
  2. 6(104)
  3. (26) (104)
  4. (104)6
Answer: C At the start (104)
After 1 minute (104) x 2
After 2 minute (104) x 2 x 2 = (104) x 22
After 3 minute (104) x 2x2x2 = (104) x 23
After 6 minute (104) x 2x2x2x2x2x2= (104) x 26

Key takeaway: Exponents are a sort of mathematical shorthand. If you memories few simple rules , you can crake the problems
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