Medical Coding

Category - 30,000 Series

A 78-year-old woman has to have biopsies done of her right lower lung infiltrate. She is scheduled for a thoracoscopy where a wedge biopsy will be taken of the right lower lobe. Which code should you use for this procedure?
  1. 32601
  2. 32607
  3. 32608
  4. 32650
Answer: B - 32607 is the correct code for a unilateral infiltrate and requires a thoracoscopy with wedge biopsy.

Code 32601 is incorrect because this is for a thoracoscopy without biopsies. Code 32608 is incorrect because this includes a biopsy of masses or nodules. Code 32650 is incorrect because this code is for a surgical thoracoscopy with pleurodesis.
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