Medical Coding

Category - Compliance and Regulatory

A 76-year-old woman visited her dermatologist’s office in response to a large suspicious nevus on her back. The dermatologist excised the nevus and sent it to the pathology lab for examination. The patient experienced pain excision site, due to its large size and was prescribed pain medication. What two part of Medicare insurance will the patient need to pay for the dermatologist’s office visit and the prescription charges?
  1. Medicare Parts A and B
  2. Medicare Parts B and C
  3. Medicare Parts B and D
  4. Medicare Parts D and E
Answer: C - The two parts of Medicare insurance that the patient will need to have to pay for the charges are: Medicare Parts B and D. Medicare Part B covers outpatient office visits, which in this case, would cover the dermatologist’s office visit charges, while Medicare Part D covers pharmacy or prescription charges, which in this case, would cover the patient’s pain medication charges. Medicare Part A only covers inpatient services, such as inpatient hospital or hospice services, while Medicare Part C is a combination program that combines Medicare A and B services.
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