Medical Coding

Category - 50,000 Series

A 68-year-old man has to have his urethral stricture dilated with a urethral dilator. This will be his first time having this procedure done. What CPT code should be used for this procedure?
  1. 53600
  2. 53601
  3. 53605
  4. 53660
Answer: A - 53600 is the correct code for the initial dilation of a urethral stricture by passage of sound or urethral dilator for a male.
Code 53601 is incorrect because this is the code for a subsequent urethral stricture dilation. Code 53605 is incorrect because this code is used for the dilation of urethral stricture or vesicle neck by passage of sound or urethral dilator with general or conduction anesthesia of a male. Code 53660 is incorrect because this is the dilation of a female urethra including suppository or instillation.
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