Medical Coding

Category - Medicine

A 4-year-old patient is seen in the emergency department for a facial laceration. Due to the age and the need for laceration closure, the patient is given moderate sedation for 20 minutes while the laceration is closed. The physician performing the laceration repair is the same one giving the sedation and a nurse is monitoring the patient’s vitals during this process. What is the correct code only for the moderate sedation service?
  1. 99143
  2. 99144
  3. 99145
  4. 99148
Answer: A - 99143 is the correct code for moderate sedation services for a patient younger than five years of age for the first 30 minutes of intra-service time.
Code 99144 is incorrect because this code is for ages five years and older. Code 99145 is incorrect because this is an add-on code for each additional 15 minutes of sedation time and code 99148 is incorrect because this code is used when a second physician is needed.
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