Medical Coding

Category - 50,000 Series

A 34-year-old man has a spermatocele that has been getting larger and is now causing constant discomfort. He needs to have this removed but fortunately will not need to have an epididymectomy. What CPT code should be used for this procedure?
  1. 54800
  2. 54830
  3. 54840
  4. 54860
Answer: C - 54840 is the correct code for excision of spermatocele with or without epididymectomy.
Code 54800 is incorrect because this code is for a needle biopsy of the epididymis. Code 54830 is incorrect because this code is for the excision of a local lesion of the epididymis. Code 54860 is incorrect because this code is for a unilateral epididymectomy.
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