ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep

Category - Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice Test

A 20-year-old client is being treated for pneumonia. He has a persistent cough and complains of severe pain on coughing. What type of instruction could be given to help the client reduce the discomfort he is having?
  1. “Hold in your cough as much as possible.”
  2. “Place the head of your bed flat to help with coughing.”
  3. “Restrict fluids to help decrease the amount of sputum.”
  4. “Splint your chest wall with a pillow for comfort.”
Answer - D - “Splint your chest wall with a pillow for comfort.” Showing this client how to splint his chest wall will help decrease discomfort when coughing. Holding in his coughs will only increase the amount of pain he has. Placing the head of the bed flat may increase the frequency of his cough more efficiently and with less pain. Increasing fluid intake will help to clear them. Promoting fluid intake is appropriate in this situation.
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