Praxis II PLT 5-9 Test Prep - Question List

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31. Which of the following lessons would help student develop their Formal Operational stage as based on the theories of Erik Eriksen?
  1. Asking students to write a play thematically based on a social issue
  2. Asking students to conduct a lab experiment
  3. Asking students to complete a standardized test
  4. Asking students to write a reflective essay
32. Handwriting is very laborious for a fifth-grade student named Allen. He has average to above average grades and is a very creative writer with an age-appropriate mastery of the conventions of written Standard American English (SAE). Due to an injury sustained in early childhood, he experiences severe hand fatigue and shooting pains whenever he is asked to write by hand for extended periods of time. If Allen takes a test that requires lengthy, written answers, which of the following accommodations would NOT be appropriate?
  1. Short breaks during testing
  2. Oral administration of the test items
  3. Typing and printing his responses
  4. All of the above are appropriate accomodations.
33. Mrs. Lafferty has just completed a lesson on the three branches of government as part of her larger unit on American politics in her 9th grade Social Studies class. Which of the following would be an appropriate assessment to give her students to gauge individual mastery of the concepts covered in this lesson topic?
  1. Having students individually design a concept map in class of the three branches of government
  2. Having students write an opinion of having three branches of government
  3. Having students conduct peer conferences to prepare for upcoming final assessment
  4. Having students complete a homework assignment reviewing the topic
34. A fifth-grade class is studying the phases of water. During a two-day lab activity, the students boil water, create ice and interact with liquid water at room temperature. They observe the characteristics of the phases and log their observations into their lab notebooks. The teacher then has them pair up and create a prediction on what would have to occur in order for water to go straight from the frozen phase to the gas phase. Based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, at which stage of development are these students most likely working?
  1. Sensorimotor
  2. Formal operational
  3. Concrete operational
  4. Preoperational
35. Ms. Tyree is a new teacher and leading her class of 9th graders on their first field trip. The trip is to an outdoor sculpture park. During the trip, Ms. Tyree is using her cell phone to text message with another teacher about her day out of the classroom. While she is using her phone, two students are horsing around, a student collides with a sculpture, and the sculpture falls against another student, breaking her arm. Which of the following consequences might the teacher face?

I) She could be fired
II) She could be suspended
III) She could be sued
  1. I and II
  2. I and III
  3. II and III
  4. I, II and III

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