Praxis II PLT 5-9 Test Prep - Question List

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21. Connor is a fifth-grade student who demonstrates an above average propensity toward playing instruments. He frequently taps on his desk with obvious rhythm. Also, when he hears a song, he moves to the beat. His teacher recognizes Connor’s highly developed musical intelligence. Which of the following activities would best use his musical learning modality to support him in learning the difference between solving for a rectangle’s perimeter and area?
  1. Play classical music while he works on a worksheet independently
  2. Have him write the formulas repeatedly until he has memorized them
  3. Teach him to sing a song that explains the difference between solving them
  4. Give him practice problems with the formulas written at the top of the page
22. Ms. Cherry divides his fifth-grade class into groups of four. Each member of the group is given direct instruction on their role during the lesson. A copy of a reading selection or a novel is given to each student. They are then directed to read a specific amount of the text independently. After the reading, Ms. Cherry directs the students to move into their groups where they will discuss the reading in an effort to garner meaning from the text. This activity is an example of which discussion strategy?
  1. A panel debate
  2. Whole group discussion
  3. Literature circle
  4. Socratic seminar
23. Mrs. Watkins teaches a class of 8th graders that includes a number of students diagnosed with learning disabilities. There are two aides in the classroom that work with the students with disabilities. All students are educated to the state standards and course objectives and assessed on their learning at the end of the year. Some of the students receive accommodations during their assessment. The type of classroom that Mrs. Watkins teaches in would be referred to by which of the following terms?
  1. Inclusive
  2. Self-contained
  3. Independent learning
  4. Homogenous grouping
24. Charlotte Black is an average student who puts little effort into her work. She is given a writing assignment in her 9th grade English class and receives an A on it. Her teacher is surprised that she has earned this grade, and is concerned that something is amiss. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response to this situation?
  1. Asking Charlotte who wrote the paper for her
  2. Asking Charlotte to explain how she succeeded on this assignment and not on others
  3. Asking Charlotte why she doesn’t do as well on other assignments
  4. Asking Charlotte what she liked about this assignment and her work
25. Mr. Sinnott is teaching Romeo and Juliet to his class of 9th graders. He wants to incorporate as many learning styles into his instruction as possible. Which strategy would work best for the kinesthetic learners in his classroom?
  1. Read-aloud of a handful of scenes
  2. Showing a film version of the play
  3. Silent re-reading after a full class reading of a scene
  4. Performances of scenes in small groups

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