Praxis II PLT 5-9 Test Prep - Question List

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What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
  1. Students learn best when an adult, or more capable peer, teaches them something that they are not capable of learning independently
  2. A seating chart arrangment placing children in order of skill
  3. Collective teaching around content clusters
  4. A neutral zone infraction
A fourth-grade English learner is able to speak in short complete English sentences when engaging in casual conversations with other students and teachers. However, the student has difficulty using academic language and is reluctant to participate verbally in-class learning activities. Which of the following statements accurately provides a research-based explanation for this variability in the student's communication abilities?
  1. Second-language learners who acquire social language in the target language too quickly may develop gaps in knowledge of usage and syntax.
  2. Like many English learners, the student's receptive language skills are much stronger than the student's expressive language skills.
  3. Core content-area concepts that English learners have already learned in the first language must be relearned in English.
  4. English learners may take longer to acquire academic language skills than they do social language skills.
68. Erik is teaching his daughter to ride a bike. First, he walks along with her, holding her on the bike. Later he runs alongside without holding her body or the bike. Eventually, he gives her a little push and she is able to ride alone. What is this called?
  1. Fading
  2. Shaping
  3. Positive reinforcement
  4. All of the above
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between word decoding and reading comprehension in a beginning reader's development?
  1. Decoding skills and reading comprehension tend to develop independently of one another.
  2. Development of decoding skills has little effect on the development of reading fluency or reading comprehension.
  3. Reading comprehension contributes to and directly facilitates the development of decoding skills.
  4. Decoding skills are essential for the development of reading fluency to support reading comprehension.

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