NSCA Personal Trainer Exam Prep - Question List

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26. Which of the following terms refer’s to a test’s ability to consistently repeat the same results?
  1. Reliability
  2. Validity
  3. Relevance
  4. Repeatability
27. Which of the following should a client not engage in prior to performing assessment tests with a personal trainer?
  1. Moderate food intake 2-4 hrs before testing
  2. Partaking of chemicals that affect heart rate (non-medically)
  3. Adequate hydration
  4. Resting for 6-8 hrs of sleep the night before testing is to occur
28. What is an aneroid sphygmomanometer used to detect?
  1. Pulse
  2. Heart beats
  3. Temperature
  4. Blood pressure
29. Which of the following is not a measure of body composition?
  1. Body Mass index
  2. Bioelectrical impedance
  3. Near-infrared interactance
  4. Weight
30. What test has been traditionally used to assess a future risk of developing lower back pain?
  1. Push-up test
  2. YMCA bench press test
  3. Astrand-Rhyming test
  4. Sit and reach

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