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246. A medical facility transfers and assigns decision-making authority through the decentralization process. Which of the following is true about this process?
247. Nicolas is a 38-year-old male who is admitted to the facility after a drinking spree. The client is staggering and confused. The client becomes verbally abusive after a registered nurse refused to let him have a smoke inside the emergency department. The nurse asks a group of nurses to obtain leather restraints. The RN threatens to place Nicolas in restraints if he does not calm down. The client can legally charge the nurse with which of the following?
248. A registered nurse enters a private room and finds a co-nurse drinking a bottle of whiskey. Another bottle of whiskey is seen on top of the table. Which of the following is the first action of the registered nurse?
249. A Registered Nurse realizes that she made an error in documenting an assessment finding on a client who was admitted for an elective surgery. The RN obtains and opens the client’s chart to correct the error. Which of the following actions done by the RN demonstrates the right way of correcting errors?
250. A nurse enters a room and finds a post-operative client lying on the floor. The client is assessed and assisted back to the bed. The nurse informs a physician of the incident and then writes an incident report. Which of the following is NOT a correct way of writing and filing an incident report?