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216. Adeleis a nurse in a long term care facility. She has only been working there for six months but has seen aspects of care she feels is unethical and demoralizing to the residents. Angela decides to go to the local newspaper and write a letter to the editor. How would this action be seen?
217. Angela is called in to her supervisor’s office after writing a letter to the editor of a local paper about aspects of care in her workplace that she finds unethical. The newspaper has published her letter, and the supervisor has read it. She tells Angela she will have to dismiss her from her job, pending an investigation. What should be Angela’s next step?
218. Your client has been scheduled for knee surgery, but he has changed his mind and does not wish to go ahead with the surgery. He states that he wants to be discharged from the hospital. What is your best response to his request?
220. The doctor writes an order for the insertion of a nasogastric tube in a client you are caring for. You have never inserted a nasogastric tube before. What is your best course of action at this point?