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251. Before a surgical procedure, the nurse ensures that a client has signed the informed consent form. Informed consent is a legal document indicating a client’s approval to have his or her body touched. Which of the following clients can be asked to sign an informed consent form?
252. A nurse is bound to protect client confidentiality. A nurse is also responsible for the protection of the client from indiscriminate disclosure of health care information that may cause harm. Which of the following actions of a nurse respects or protects a client’s right to privacy?
253. Wesley, a nurse supervisor, manages the nursing staff, prepares the budget, maintains client service, and implements policies. These tasks are accomplished by performing managerial functions. When Wesley uses performance standards as criteria for measuring success, he operates through which of the following functions?
254. A nurse is making a room assignment for a 12-month-old child with bacterial meningitis. The nurse plans to place the infant in which of the following rooms?
255. A nurse is making a room assignment for a 12-year-old boy with a brain concussion. The nurse determines to place the boy in a room with which of the following clients?