Alcohol Safety - Question List

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91. A common saying among consumers of alcohol goes “Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.” Is this a good rule to follow when serving customers?
  1. No. It is simply not true.
  2. No. While there is a small amount of truth to it, the bartender/server should not be making this kind of decision for the customer.
  3. Yes. It is the bartender/server’s responsibility to do whatever it takes to prevent customers from getting sick.
  4. Yes. No establishment should ever serve a customer beer before liquor.
92. A visibly intoxicated customer gets his car keys out and says he is going to drive home. What sign of intoxication is being shown here?
  1. Impaired judgment
  2. Slowed reaction time
  3. Impaired motor coordination
  4. Relaxed inhibitions
93. Alcohol is absorbed throughout the digestive system, but where is it actually broken down and metabolized?
  1. The stomach
  2. The small intestine
  3. The stomach and the liver
  4. The liver
94. After serving a customer alcohol, Brandon notices that her face has become flushed and blotchy. What should he do?
  1. Stop serving her immediately. The flush is a sign of intoxication.
  2. Go call for medical help because she is having a severe allergic reaction.
  3. Do nothing, as it is simply genetic and doesn’t necessarily mean she is intoxicated.
  4. Point it out to the customer, as she may not be aware of it but may know what to do.
95. At what point should you start counting the number of drinks a customer has had?
  1. Once he or she starts to show signs of intoxication
  2. After he or she has had a couple of “starter drinks”
  3. Once he or she or someone he or she is with asks you to start keeping track
  4. From the first drink to the last - the entire time he or she is being served

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