Vascular Access Exam Prep - Question List

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31. Which of the following situations would be reported as a sentinel event, according to the Joint Commission?
  1. A patient who received surgery on the wrong part of the body
  2. A patient developing a stage II pressure wound during surgery
  3. A patient who received an extra dose of antibiotic before surgery
  4. A patient who developed a wound infection postoperatively
32. What is glycolysis?
  1. The additive used to preserve glucose in blood.
  2. The destruction of red blood cells.
  3. The process of breaking down glucose for energy.
33. An amendment created to ensure accurate laboratory results was passed in 1988 and enacted in 1992; it applies to every American clinical laboratory. What is the name of this amendment?
  1. Patient Bill of Rights
  2. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment
  3. HIPPA
34. Why is careful documentation and monitoring of the amount of draws and total volume of blood drawn, from a premature infant necessary?
  1. It is not necessary.
  2. To prevent unnecessary pain and testing.
  3. It is not the nurse's responsibility.
  4. To prevent complications related to blood volume depletion.

What is the difference between the effects of asking a patient to hold a fist while applying a tourniquet, and the effects of applying warmth to a potential puncture site? Choose all that apply.

  1. Application of heat engorges venous blood vessels, making palpitation easier
  2. Application of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, allowing veins to fill with more blood
  3. Holding a fist while a tourniquet is applied engorges venous blood vessels, making palpitation easier
  4. Holding a fist while a tourniquet is applied causes dilation of blood vessels, allowing veins to fill with more blood
  5. None of the above

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