Vascular Access Exam Prep - Question List

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A soldier received a gunshot at his neck. All aerodigestive and vascular structures were impaired. The injury will most likely be located within which structure? 
  1. Anterior triangle of neck
  2. Posterior triangle of the neck
  3. Occipital
  4. None of the above
87. A patient comes to the Cardiovascular Care Unit with a blood pressure of 94/68, a heart rate of 124 and chest pain rated as 8/10. The patient has already taken one 0.04 mg tablet of Nitroglycerin five minutes ago. What should the NP do next?
  1. Take the patient’s blood pressure and put them on the monitor.
  2. Administer a dose of Morphine 2 mg IV and re-assess pain.
  3. Obtain a stat EKG.
  4. Administer another dose of 0.04 mg tablet of Nitroglycerin.
88. The patient with a diagnosis of rule out Cerebrovascular accident is scheduled to go to a Magnetic resonance imaging. What would be a contraindication for the patient to undergo the test?
  1. Pacemaker
  2. History of anxiety
  3. History of a heart attack
  4. Allergy to contrast
89. Which of the following types of blood vessels are responsible for the greatest proportion of vascular resistance?
  1. Arteries
  2. Arterioles
  3. Capillaries
  4. Venules
90. Stroke or cerebrovascular accidents are classified as:
  1. Ischemic and hemorrhagic
  2. Only ischemic
  3. Only hemorrhagic
  4. None of the above

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