Vascular Access Exam Prep - Question List

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46. A hospital supervisor is preparing for an evaluation of health care service quality on the surgical and medical wards of the hospital. The evaluators inspected the nursing staff’s compliance with the standards and criteria provided by the hospital and accrediting agency. This method of quality assurance is called:
  1. Retrospective
  2. Concurrent
  3. Introspective
  4. Perspective
47. An elderly client admitted in the intensive care unit suddenly experienced acute respiratory distress. This occurred while the nurse was infusing the IV meds via central line. Before placing the client on 100% oxygen, the nurse should first:
  1. Discontinue the IV infusion.
  2. Place the client in a left lateral position.
  3. Place the client in a Trendelenburg’s position.
  4. Ask permission from the physician to remove the catheter.
48. What is the difference between serum and plasma?
  1. There is not a difference.
  2. Serum contains proteins and no clotting factors; plasma contains serum and clotting factors.
  3. Serum contains clotting factors; plasma contains serum and proteins.
  4. Serum and plasma contain clotting factors. Serum also contains proteins; plasma also contains lymph fluid.
49. A nurse is making the initial rounds for the IV fluids of clients assigned to her care. The nurse notes that the client in Room 312, a 23-year-old student admitted for hemorrhagic fever, is complaining of difficulty breathing with productive cough. The nursing assessment shows swelling of the arms and crackles. How should the nurse have prevented this?
  1. Elevate the head of bed.
  2. Closely monitor oral fluid intake.
  3. Use infusion pumps to reduce the risk of rapid fluid infusion.
  4. Monitor daily weights and I&O to appropriately adjust the IV infusion.
50. In which of the following situations can the nurse release client information without obtaining the client’s consent first?
  1. A member of the research team is inquiring about a client who is a subject of a clinical trial.
  2. A documentary film is doing a story on the client.
  3. The client has a communicable and infectious respiratory disease.
  4. The client’s relative who is a physician in the same hospital asks for information.

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