Vascular Access Exam Prep - Question List

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11. How many minutes can a tourniquet be left on a patient?
  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minutes
  3. 3 minutes
  4. 4 minutes
12. A nurseTech is working in the ER when an unconscious patient is brought in with a massive hemorrhagic injury. A card is found in the patient’s wallet indicating the patient’s wishes in the event she is unable to speak for herself. The card indicates she would not want transfusion of blood products. What is this card known as and which type of consent does it cancel out?
  1. Advance directive/informed consent
  2. Advance directive/implied consent
  3. Advance directive/Good Samaritan act
13. The appropriate time for labeling a patient specimen is:
  1. Before the blood is drawn
  2. After all blood has been collected for the day
  3. Immediately after collection
  4. None of the above
14. Is a splash-proof face shield necessary to enter a contact isolation room?
  1. Yes
  2. No
15. What is the maximum size of a lancet intended for use on an infant?
  1. .5 mm
  2. 1.0 mm
  3. 2.0 mm
  4. 2.4 mm

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