Social Work Masters Exam Prep - Question List

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Al is described by friends and family as being self-centered. He has problems with anger but never wants to accept the blame. Al's relationships with two different women failed because he was physically abusive. A social worker might assess this client with reaction formation disorder. Which category of reaction formation disorder would he fall into?

  1. Internalizers
  2. Externalizers
  3. Inhibitors
  4. All of the above
12. Pamela has wanted to be a teacher her whole life. She completed the regular courses in college, but by her senior year, she was still terrified of walking into an actual classroom for her internship. Pamela feels she has made a huge mistake and may need to look into other career options. She has severe inhibitions about performing in front of people. What kind of therapy would benefit Pamela the most?
  1. Shyness awareness therapy
  2. Anti-social therapy
  3. Group therapy
  4. Career-based therapy

A referral comes into the local Children's Protective Services in regards to a female infant. The concerns raised by the informant include a lack of nutrition and improper supervision. Neighbors hear the baby cry at all hours of the night for long lengths of time. The parents leave the home before dark and do not seem to reappear until dawn the next day. Groceries brought into the home are noticeably snack foods and alcohol. The social worker responding will need to complete what kind of assessment?

  1. Comprehensive family assessment
  2. Functional assessment
  3. Economic assessment
  4. Initial assessment
14. Aaron seeks the help of a social worker for a problem he can no longer avoid. Recently, his employer downsized, and the client had to be placed on an afternoon shift to keep his job. Aaron does not own a vehicle and has always relied on public transportation to and from work. Because of his crippling fear of the subway system, Aaron takes the bus to work. With his new schedule, he must take a bus that gets him to work two hours early, while if he took the subway, he would be able to leave much later. Aaron is requesting help to overcome his fear of the subway system. The social worker suggests he observe others with the same fear. What form of therapy is most likely to be successful in this situation?
  1. Neurosis therapy
  2. Modeling therapy
  3. Behaviorism therapy
  4. Communication therapy
15. Psychological counseling, guidance and assistance are the main focus in the field of social work. Which kind of practice advancesthe community social conditions for disadvantaged individuals?
  1. Indirect practice
  2. Direct practice
  3. Oppression
  4. Group therapy

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