Social Work Masters Exam Prep - Question List

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Alex is having lunch with other social work colleagues when one of them says he is late for a family assessment. Without much thought, the other professional states his clients live in a poor neighborhood and probably can't even tell time. What problem should be addressed?

  1. Discrimination
  2. Misrepresentation
  3. Stereotyping
  4. Competency

In an effort to keep his job and family, George has decided to seek therapy for his substance abuse problem. Since this type of psychological problem is viewed as an inability to make meaningful and self-directed choices on how to live, intervention should be directed at increasing George's self-awareness and understanding, with a focus on acceptance and growth. Which kind of therapy is this a description of?

  1. Humanistic therapy
  2. Behavioral therapy
  3. Biomedical therapy
  4. Cognitive therapy
48. Task-centered therapy focuses on the belief that individuals have both the resources and the desire to solve their problems. Family and environmental systems may block or facilitate resolution. Collaboration between therapist and client is utilized to define problems and solutions. Treatment is short-term, normally lasting how long?
  1. 6 to 12 months
  2. 2 weeks
  3. 4 months
  4. 6 to 12 weeks

Mr. Harrison receives a phone call from an individual wanting to transfer social work services to him from another professional. To minimize confusion, Mr. Harrison should do what?

  1. Take the case and start over
  2. Complete a new assessment
  3. Discuss possible risks
  4. Refer the client to another social worker
50. A social worker is helping Whitney cope with anxiety. The client has been unsuccessful in overcoming her problem, and the strategies being utilized have taken the appearance of needs. Whitney has learned to remove herself from anti-social behavior, move against others in a domineering manner, and seek affirmation for her actions. Her erratic behaviors show the symptoms of what theory?
  1. Sexual abuse
  2. Abandonment
  3. Neurosis
  4. Battered wife syndrome

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