FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Your diabetic client has the flu.  She asks why she should drink juices, check her finger stick glucose every 4 hours, and take insulin when she is not eating and is vomiting. Which of the following would be the best explanation by the nurse practitioner?

  1. She needs to prevent dehydration, excessive breakdown of fats for glucose, and monitor for hyperglycemia.
  2. She needs to check his blood glucose because vomiting could cause hypoglycemia and drinking fluids will prevent dehydration.
  3. She body uses protein for energy when he is sick, causing increased ketones and hypoglycemia.
  4. If she could substitute water for the juices to prevent dehydration, then he would not need to check his blood glucose levels so often
  5. None of the above are true

Answer - A - She needs to prevent dehydration, excessive breakdown of fats for glucose, and monitor for hyperglycemia. Starvation-induced ketosis can be prevented by drinking juices that equal the prescribed carbohydrate meal pattern. Fluids are needed in order to avoid dehydration and hyperosmolality, which could result from significant fluid losses from persistent vomiting. The liver breaks down fat to form glucose for energy and ketones, leading to DKA. The other options do not address the critical issue of dehydration and hyperglycemia.

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