CRNE Exam Prep

Category - Changes in Health

A female client was admitted to the gastrointestinal unit two days ago. The client has been demonstrating signs of decline in gastrointestinal function for the past day and is now ordered to be transferred to the intensive care unit. Before the transfer, which of the following should the nurse do first?
  1. Inform the nurse supervisor about the transfer.
  2. Obtain a signed consent.
  3. Search for an accepting physician.
  4. Call the admitting nurse in the ICU.
Answer: D - The nurse caring for the client should first call the admitting nurse in the ICU. The nurse should phone a client report to encourage continuity of care. A signed consent is not necessary if the transfer is within the facility. It is not the responsibility of the nurse to obtain an accepting physician. A nurse supervisor is not consulted or needed when transferring a client when there is a physician order.
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