A user has forgotten their Android mobile device password and has tried to login too many times. What will happen as a result?
  1. The device will likely automatically wipe itself.
  2. The device will lock until plugged into the computer to which it was last synced.
  3. The device will need to be sent back to the manufacturer.
  4. The device will need to be restarted.
Answer: B - A user has forgotten their Android mobile device password has tried to login too many times; as a result the device will lock until plugged into the computer to which it was last synced.

Key Takeaway:
On most Android devices, the first few incorrect passcodes result in the device locking for a limited amount of time. After this, the device must be plugged into the computer to which it was last synced in order to be unlocked. iPhones have a setting that allows you to set the phone to automatically erase after 10 unsuccessful attempts.
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