A confirmed user in your Active Directory network calls and has forgotten his password. He asks you for the password. To ensure a basic security standard and a prompt resolution, you:
  1. Locate the password and tell him the password.
  2. Reset the password on his computer to a temporary password, advise him of the temporary password and to change this (the password) to a permanent password once he logs in.
  3. Set an appointment to manually change the password at his computer.
  4. Tell him to speak to his supervisor, who needs to request the password.
Answer: B - Since the user is on your network, you can reset the password remotely without having to know the original password or having to physically make the change on his computer.

Key Takeaway:
In an Active Directory environment, you have the ability to reset passwords remotely. If not in this type of environment, an administrative password is usually on each computer so a tech can have access. Knowing and implementing security procedures along with a quick and hassle free resolution will improve productivity and work relations.
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