Praxis II Physics Content Knowledge Exam Prep

Category - Praxis II Physics Content Knowledge Test Prep

Two identical beakers each contain 250 mL of water. The temperature of the water is 85°C in one beaker and 15°C in the other beaker. A drop of red food coloring is placed in each beaker at the same time. During the irst minute, which of the following is most likely to happen?
  1. The food coloring will spread out faster in the 85°C water than in the 15°C water.
  2. The food coloring will form a layer at the top of each beaker since it does not mix with water
  3. The food coloring will spread only halfway through the water in each beaker due to convection currents.
  4. The food coloring will settle faster at the bottom of the beaker containing 85°C water than at the bottom of the beaker containing 15°C water.
Answer: A - The food coloring will spread out faster in the 85°C water than in the 15°C water.
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