AP Psychology Exam Prep

Category - AP Psychology

In the trait theory of personality, ___________ and _________ are considered to be different views on whether all traits exist in all people.
  1. ego: superego
  2. introversion; extraversion
  3. psychodynamic; sociocultural
  4. idiographic; nomothetic
Answer: D - In the trait theory of personality, idiographic and nomothetic are considered to be different views on whether all traits exist in all people.
Key Takeaway: In the trait theory of personality, there is often a disagreement on whether all traits exist in all people. There are two views that examine this doubt: idiographic and nomothetic views. The idiographic view states that individuals have unique personality structures, therefore, it is important to concentrate on only some traits in some individuals as you cannot study the unique structure of every person. The nomothetic view, on the other hand, states that people have more or less of the same traits in a consistent manner.
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