NYSTCE: Students with Disabilities Exam Prep - Question List

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51. Mrs. Williams has two children in her class who are hearing impaired. Which of the following assistive technologies might help increase their ability to hear and communicate?
  1. Reading lips
  2. FM sound system
  3. Braillers
  4. Communication boards
52. Augmentative communication devices can help a child with physical or cognitive barriers communicate effectively at school and at home. However, these tools may not work for a child who demonstrates no communicative intent. Which of the following explains the reason for this?
  1. Augmentative communication devices do not teach a child to communicate.
  2. Such a child will never want to communicate.
  3. The batteries run out too quickly.
  4. Augmentative communication devices are specifically for children with receptive language deficits.
53. The cost of assistive technology is often high and can present a challenge to parents. Which of the following funding sources might provide help?
  1. Individual school’s assistive technologies fund
  2. Welfare
  3. Bake sale
  4. State programs for children with special health needs
54. Brandon also has difficulty copying work from the board or Smart Board. Mrs. Williams should try which of the following strategies?
  1. Place Brandon at the front of the class so he can see the board more clearly.
  2. Ask a peer to copy the work for Brandon.
  3. Send Brandon to the resource room.
  4. Use a KWL chart.
55. Casey has an auditory processing deficit and cannot effectively tune out extraneous noises. This makes it very hard for him to focus during class time and process verbal directions. Which of the following strategies might help him?
  1. Write the instructions on the board or use visuals.
  2. Repeat everything to him individually.
  3. Use a Brailler.
  4. Use a communications board.

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