NYSTCE Health Education Exam Prep - Question List

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6. Antioxidants are:
  1. Compounds that inhibit hydrogens
  2. Compounds that create free radicals
  3. Compounds that are bacteriolytic
  4. Compounds that inhibit damaging oxidizing agents
7. Women of childbearing age are urged to take folic acid supplements because:
  1. Deficiency may result in internal bleeding
  2. Deficiency increases gestation period of child
  3. Deficiency may result in neural tube defects in infants
  4. Sufficiency is associated with higher social economic status
8. The benefits of breastfeeding include:
  1. Sensitizes infant to diet of mother
  2. Increases mother infant pair bonding
  3. Weight loss for mother
  4. All of the above
9. How many calories are equivalent to a pound?
  1. 3500
  2. 3300
  3. 3000
  4. 1300
10. Cooling down after rigorous exercise is important as abrupt cessation may result in blood pooling in the legs, consequently resulting in:
  1. Varicose veins
  2. Fainting
  3. Cardiac complications
  4. B and C

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