MTEL Physical Education - Question List

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Which of the following approaches is likely to be most effective in fostering appropriate attitudes about body composition and body image in children?
  1. Emphasizing that individuals come in a variety of sizes and shapes within a range of healthy body weights.
  2. Encouraging children to adopt the eating patterns and dietary choices favored by their family and culture.
  3. Instructing children how to determine their body mass index and encouraging them to check it often.
  4. Promoting children's ability to identify and compare variations in individual fitness levels among classmates.
During an outdoor field day at the end of the school year, elementary students will participate in a variety of physical activities. Which of the following organizational approaches to the day's events is likely to be most effective in enhancing students' self-esteem and sense of self-worth?
  1. Ensuring that most activities emphasize coordination and balance rather than speed or strength.
  2. Offering activities that allow students of varying fitness and skill levels to achieve individual success.
  3. Including only activities that are cooperative rather than competitive in nature.
  4. Recruiting responsible students and relying on them to help staff and run the activities.
Cooperative games and team sports help promote the development of positive traits and values primarily by providing opportunities in which students can:
  1. Study and emulate the interpersonal skills of a variety of adult role models.
  2. Compete against themselves rather than against other individuals.
  3. Remain confident and free of worries about the possibility that peers may make fun of them.
  4. Observe and practice character-building skills such as determination, loyalty, self-control, and civility.
Recreational group and team games such as horseshoes, ultimate, and volleyball are especially well suited to providing social benefits to participants primarily because they:
  1. Keep participants of all fitness levels equally challenged.
  2. Require participants to take turns self-officiating.
  3. Promote enjoyment and camaraderie among participants with similar interests.
  4. Involve competition and scoring, thus generating comments and discussions among participants.
Following a track meet against a rival team, a student and the physical education teacher discuss the 200 meter. "I can't believe I didn't place first in the 200! I trained so hard during the last two weeks," the student says. "Sorry to see you so disappointed. I know that race was really important to you," the teacher replies. This response is appropriate in this situation primarily because it:
  1. Provides an objective overview and downplays the loss.
  2. Expresses admiration for the student's performance in the race.
  3. Affirms that the student set a goal and worked hard.
  4. Acknowledges that the teacher knows exactly how much time the student spent preparing for the race.

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