MTEL Business Practice Exam - Question List

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Which of the following is the best example of a company changing its strategy?
  1. Site managers decide to reorganize lines of authority to allow workers increased input in decision making.
  2. Human resource managers decide to implement a diversity awareness program throughout the company.
  3. Marketing managers decide to alter the product line to appeal to a niche rather than a general market.
  4. Production managers decide to switch to continuous-flow rather than batch manufacturing.
The equity theory of employee motivation states that employees are motivated in proportion to their perceptions of the:
  1. Fairness of their compensation compared with that of others who put forth similar effort in performing similar work.
  2. Gap between the compensation given to upper management and the average pay of non-management workers in the company.
  3. Extent to which they are treated as social equals by higher-ranking members of the company's workforce.
  4. Willingness of company managers to listen to their opinions and allow them to play a meaningful role in company decision making.
In mediating conflicts within a group, it is most important that a group leader be seen by all parties to the conflict as someone who is: 
  1. Disinterested in obtaining a quick resolution of the conflict.
  2. Willing to allow group members to set the ground rules for the debate.
  3. Impartial with regard to favoring potential solutions to the conflict.
  4. Able to impose a solution to the conflict if necessary.
Which of the following is one advantage to a business of hiring independent contractors to work on projects rather than hiring regular full-time or part-time employees? 
  1. Staffing levels can be more easily adjusted to reflect the changing needs of the company.
  2. Independent contractors are more likely to provide innovative ideas and bring new solutions to the business.
  3. Independent contractors are more likely to quickly embrace the corporate culture of the business.
  4. The supply of workers who are looking for freelance jobs is likely to be greater than those looking for permanent positions.
In which of the following cases does the company's action violate federal labor law?
  1. An employee is disciplined for advocating the formation of a union in the company cafeteria during the employee's lunch hour.
  2. Employees are not allowed to come to work after collective bargaining breaks down and the union threatens a strike.
  3. Non-employee union organizers are barred from company property after distributing pro- union leaflets in the company parking lot.
  4. Permanent replacement workers are hired after collective bargaining breaks down and union members go on strike.

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