Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification Practice Test - Question List

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66. How long will human milk last when it is refrigerated?
  1. 6-10 hours
  2. 5-8 days
  3. 2 weeks
  4. 3-6 months
67. How is frozen breast milk thawed out?
  1. Place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Heat it up in a pot of boiling water.
  3. Microwave it until it is thawed out.
  4. Rub the bottle until it thaws out.
68. Banked donor human milk from the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) is available:
  1. Over the counter at most pharmacies.
  2. At the supermarket in the dairy case.
  3. With a doctor’s prescription only.
  4. At clinics with no prescription.
69. Pumping breast milk in the workplace is protected by:
  1. The Family Medical Leave Act.
  2. Several Federal laws.
  3. One Federal law and many state laws.
  4. No Federal laws.
70. The baby’s immune system is not fully developed until:
  1. The third trimester.
  2. Four weeks after birth.
  3. Six months after birth.
  4. At one year of age.

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