Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification Practice Test - Question List

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41. A nurse is performing an admission assessment on 6-month-old infant with a diagnosis of hydrocephalus. The nurse assesses for the major sign associated with hydrocephalus when the nurse:
  1. Tests the urine for protein
  2. Takes the apical pulse
  3. Palpates the anterior fontanel
  4. Tales the blood pressure
42. A maternity nurse working in a newborn nursery accepted a telephone call from the delivery room and is told that a newborn with spina bifida (meningomyelocele) will be transported to the nursery. The maternity nurse prepares for the arrival of the newborn and places which of the following priority items at the newborn’s bedside?
  1. A blood pressure cuff
  2. A rectal thermometer
  3. A specific gravity urinometer
  4. A bottle of sterile normal saline
43. The mother of a newborn diagnosed with strabismus was told by the physician that surgery will be necessary to realign the weakened eye muscles. The nurse was asked by the mother if when the surgery might be performed. The most appropriate response is to tell the mother that surgery will be performed:
  1. Immediately
  2. Shortly before the child starts school
  3. Before the child is 2 years old
  4. Before the child begins to read
44. The nurse assesses a female newborn. The assessment reveals a decreased amount of soft tissue mass, especially subcutaneous fat. The skin hanging loosely on the extremities is dry and peeling. The fingernails and toenails are long. The nurse knows that based on the newborn’s clinical appearance, the age of gestation is more likely:
  1. Between 34 and 35 weeks
  2. Between 37 and 40 weeks
  3. Between 40 and 42 weeks
  4. Between 42 and 44 weeks
45. Nurse Andie is assessing the reflexes of a newborn infant. In eliciting the Moro reflex, the nurse would execute which of the following?
  1. Stimulate the perioral cavity of the newborn infant with a finger
  2. Clap the hand or slap on the newborn infant’s mattress
  3. Stimulate the pads of the newborn infant’s hand by firm pressure
  4. Stimulate the newborn infant’s ball of the foot by firm pressure

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