Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification Practice Test - Question List

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36. A nurse develops a plan of care for a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected mother and her newborn infant. The nurse includes which intervention in the plan of care?
  1. Instruct the breastfeeding mother regarding the treatment of the nipples with nystatin ointment
  2. Monitor the newborn infant’s vital signs routinely
  3. Maintain standard (universal) precautions at all times while caring for the newborn
  4. Initiate referral to evaluate for blindness, deafness, learning, or behavioral problems
37. In a newborn nursery, a nurse receives a telephone call to prepare for the prepare for the admission of a 43-week-gestation newborn infant with Apgar scores of 1 nurse’s highest priority should be to:
  1. Connect the resuscitation bag to the oxygen outlet
  2. Turn on the apnea and cardiorespiratory monitors
  3. Set up the intravenous line with 5% dextrose in water
  4. Set the radiant warmer control temperature at 36.5° C (97.6° F)
38. A nurse educates a mother in how to bathe a newborn infant. The nurse tells the mother to:
  1. Start with the dirtiest area first
  2. Begin with the eyes and face
  3. Begin with the feet and work upward
  4. Only wash the diaper area, since this is the only part of the infant that gets soiled.
39. A nurse has provided directions to a mother of a male newborn infant who is not circumcised about measures to clean the penis. Which statement if made by the mother indicates an understanding of how to clean the newborn infant’s penis?
  1. “I need to retract the foreskin and clean the penis every time I give my infant a bath.”
  2. “I should gently retract the foreskin as far as it will go on the penis and then pull the skin back over the penis after cleaning.”
  3. “I should retract the foreskin and clean the penis every time I changed the diaper.”
  4. “I need to avoid pulling back the foreskin to clean the penis because this may cause adhesions.”
40. A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a newborn infant with a diagnosis of spina bifida (meningomyelocele). The nurse assesses for a major symptom associated with this type of spina bifida when the nurse:
  1. Checks the capillary refill of the nailbeds of the upper extremities
  2. Tests the urine for blood
  3. Palpates the abdomen for masses
  4. Checks for responses to painful stimuli from the torso downward

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