Managing Successful Programmes Practice Test - Question List

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91. Which of the following statements best describes management?
  1. Is more concerned with direction
  2. Inclined to clarify the what and the why
  3. Focuses on purpose
  4. Focuses on the how and the when
92. Which of the following is a characteristic of leadership rather than management?
  1. More concerned with direction, effectiveness, and purpose
  2. Focuses on the “how” and “when”
  3. Focuses on tasks, delivery, and process
  4. Concerned with speed, efficiency, and quality
93. Which of the following is NOT one of the four MSP benefit types?
  1. Possible tangible
  2. Intangible
  3. Expected tangible
  4. Anticipated tangible
94. Which role is responsible for making appropriate resources available to assist projects with the design, development, and assurance of their outputs?
  1. The Programme Manager
  2. The Programme Board
  3. The Sponsoring Group
  4. The Senior Responsible Owner
95. In relation to planning and control, which of the following is NOT one of the responsibilities of the Senior Responsible Owner?
  1. Providing the interface with the Sponsoring Group and other key stakeholders, and maintaining their buy-in, especially preparing for an executing transition
  2. Managing and monitoring any strategic risks facing the programme
  3. Coordinating and integrating the work of the projects and managing the interdependencies
  4. Ensuring the other roles defined in the Programme Organisation are appointed as required for each tranche

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