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201. A client has been discharged, and while housekeeping is cleaning the room they find a yellow pill on the room floor. They bring it you, as you were the nurse who discharged the client. When you review the client’s chart, the pill is identified as Lasix (furosemide), a medication the client normally received in the morning. What should you do?
202. Susan works part time as a Registered Nurse and also has a business, providing massage therapy, which she runs out of her home. One day, you hear her telling one of her clients that she could provide massage therapy to help a shoulder injury once the client is discharged from hospital. What should you say to Susan?
203. A client’s doctor writes an order for a laxative to relieve constipation. The doctor’s order states, “enema prn”. What should you as the nurse do?
204. You are working in the ER when a highly intoxicated client is brought in by ambulance. The client is aggressive verbally, swears at you, then stumbles off the stretcher, trying to swing at you with his fists. What should you do?
205. A church minister approaches the nurse who is caring for a member of his congregation. He asks the nurse about the client’s diagnosis. What is the nurse’s most appropriate response to his inquiry?