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191. A nurse working in the ICU is concerned that a client who has overdosed will be violent when she regains consciousness. The nurse has seen this happen with other clients. This client has an endotracheal tube, plus several intravenous lines, running. The nurse believes it would be in the client’s best interest to apply wrist restraints. What must she do prior to applying the restraints?
192. Mr. Stark is a resident in a long term care facility. He has signed a facility form which states he does not wish to be resuscitated in the event he should have a heart attack or just stop breathing. You arrive in his room to deliver his medications and find him lying on his bed, unresponsive with no apparent pulse or breaths. What should you do?
193. As the RN is charting on a client, he realizes that the medication bag that was hung for his client an hour ago had twice the dose it should have. Upon reviewing the doctor’s orders, the nurse realizes the order had been transcribed incorrectly on to the medication record. What should the nurse do?
194. Your client was prescribed a narcotic, every four hours, for post-surgical pain. When you arrive in his room to give him the medication, he refuses it. He is alert, oriented and does not seem in distress. What should you do?
195. A forty-year-old woman arrives in the emergency room and is diagnosed with a ruptured appendix. She is febrile and seems only vaguely aware of where she is, and you are having difficulty knowingwhether she understands that the surgeon has ordered she be taken to the O.R. immediately. Thereis no other family or next of kin with her. What should you, as the nurse, do next?