CCRN Exam Prep - Neonatal Critical Care Nursing - Question List

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41. What is the proper term for the startle reflex in newborn?
  1. Flex Reaction
  2. Moro Reflex
  3. Newborn Moro Reaction
  4. None of the above.

Which of the following is not a special consideration when drawing blood from a newborns?

  1. Provide a protective environment.
  2. Accurately monitor the total volume of withdrawn blood.
  3. Ensure warmth.
  4. Use protective restraints where necessary.
  5. All are OK

You are treating a distressed infant that falls into Bradycardia.  It is a sign that what could happen next?

  1. Nothing. Distressed infants and children often have Bradycardia.
  2. The infant or child will suffer a seizure.
  3. The infant or child will lapse into anaphylactic shock.
  4. Bradycardia in distressed infants and children is a warning of impending cardiac arrest.

The mother of a neonate has HIV.  Which of the following activities does not put the child at risk of infection?

  1. IV substance abuse
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Vaginal birth
  4. Changing diapers

What is the Guthrie Test used to diagnose in neonates?

  1. Galactosemia
  2. Ornithine transcarboxylase deficiency
  3. Glycogen storage disase
  4. Phenylketonuria / PKU
  5. Jaundice

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