CCRN Exam Prep - Neonatal Critical Care Nursing - Question List

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Neonatal jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and other tissues of a newborn. A bilirubin level of more than 5mg/dl is associated with clinical jaundice in neonates. Which of the following is a cause of jaundice?

  1. Hypoxia
  2. Heart failure
  3. Hemolytic disease
  4. Sepsis
  5. C and D
27. Perinatal asphyxia is a state of decreased oxygen delivery to the fetus (or neonate) resulting in inadequate tissue perfusion-as manifested by low APGAR score and metabolic acidosis. Which of the following is a cause of birth asphyxia?
  1. Premature separation of placenta
  2. Severe case of maternal anemia
  3. Umbilical cord compression
  4. All of the above

The nurse is assessing a mature female neonate born to a 21-year-old G3P2 client. Which of the following findings suggests that further evaluation and notification of the physician are necessary?

  1. Birth length = 53 cm
  2. Head circumference = 35 cm
  3. Birth weight = 11 pounds
  4. Chest circumference is 2 cm less than the head circumference.
29. A pregnant woman is suffering from prolonged labor. In terms of potential neonate injury, which of the following injuries is most likely to occur during birth to the baby?
  1. Soft tissue injury
  2. Nerve injury
  3. Visceral injury
  4. Bone fracture

After birth, the nurse dries a male neonate’s face and hair with a clean, pre-warmed towel. After drying, the nurse covers the neonate’s hair with a cap. The purpose of these actions is to prevent heat loss through:

  1. Convection.
  2. Conduction.
  3. Evaporation.
  4. Radiation.

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