CCRN Exam Prep - Neonatal Critical Care Nursing - Question List

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36. Which of the following diseases is congenitally acquired rather than transmitted to the neonate during the birth process?
  1. Syphilis
  2. Chlamydia
  3. Candida
  4. Group B streptococcus
A newborn baby was diagnosed with a navel infection due to Tetanus bacillus caused by the accidental use of nonsterile instruments during the delivery. Assign the correct ICD-10 code for this case.
  1. A39.0
  2. A34
  3. A46
  4. A33
38. A newborn has difficulty breathing and experiences severe coughing spells during breastfeeding. The newborn is diagnosed with a tracheoesophageal fistula. Without proper management, the newborn is most likely to lose which reflex?
  1. Sucking reflex
  2. Swallowing reflex
  3. Rooting reflex
  4. Extrusion reflex

A newborn with physiological jaundice is placed on phototherapy. Which of the following actions of the neonatal nurse are appropriate for the newborn on phototherapy?

I. Maintain eye dressings during breastfeeding.
II. Place the lights 30 inches above the newborn.
III. Monitor the axillary temperature of the newborn.
IV. Undress the infant, except for the diaper, when exposed to the light.

  1. I, II and III
  2. II, III and IV
  3. I, III and IV
  4. All of the actions are appropriate.
40. What is the leading cause of shock in newborns?
  1. Dehydration
  2. Third-spacing of fluids
  3. Hypovolemia
  4. Bradycardia

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