Veterinary Technician Exam Practice Questions - Question List

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81. If a patient is scheduled for an onychectomy, what procedure will be performed?
  1. Declaw
  2. A castration with a retained testicle
  3. A spay with cystic ovaries
  4. A tail amputation
82. Which type of suture needle is the most preferable for suturing when a watertight seal is desired, such as with closing the bladder?
  1. Ellipitron
  2. Reverse Cutting
  3. Cutting
  4. Taper
83. What type of suture material is highly susceptible to early resorption caused by the presence of infection or contamination?
  1. Polyglactin (Vicryl)
  2. Silk
  3. Surgical Gut
  4. Polypropylene
84. Aside from the obvious, why is choosing the correct size suture important to a successful surgical outcome?
  1. Larger sutures offer a mechanical advantage over smaller sutures.
  2. Oversized sutures can lead to over tightening and tissue strangulation.
  3. Relative knot security increases as the suture size increases.
  4. Oversized sutures will strengthen a wound by ensuring good tissue opposition.
85. If a patient has a condition that requires permanent suture support, what type of suture would be best suited for this application?
  1. Polypropylene
  2. Silk
  3. Polyglactin (Vicryl)
  4. Surgical Gut

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