Veterinary Technician Exam Practice Questions - Question List

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61. Sally has a patient that is post-operatively licking and chewing at its incision. Which method(s)is acceptable for preventing or discouraging a patient from licking or chewing at an incision?
  1. Tranquilizers
  2. Noxious-tasting agents (Bitter Apple)
  3. Elizabethan collar
  4. All of the above
62. Which type of bandage is applied to a horse's extremities to force blood out of the limb, while a tourniquet prevents the blood from returning?
  1. Esmarch bandage
  2. Modified Robert Jones bandage
  3. Ace bandage
  4. Ehmer sling
63. What is the type of surgery that utilizes a small telescopic device to view orthopedic anatomy and a second incision to remove or repair orthopedic anatomy?
  1. Laparoscopy
  2. Cryptorchidism
  3. Arthroscopy
  4. None of the above
64. The surgeon is about to perform an arthroscopic procedure of the lower limb of an equine patient. In what recumbency should this patient be positioned?
  1. Dorsal
  2. Lateral
  3. Sternal
  4. Oblique
65. What is the term for the surgical removal of the entire eye?
  1. Enterolith
  2. Entropion
  3. Enucleation
  4. Enthesis

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