Veterinary Technician Exam Practice Questions - Question List

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71. Which important surgical procedure is performed on a mare in order to prevent air from being aspirated into the vagina?
  1. Dusseldorf
  2. Vulvar ablation
  3. Casslicks
  4. Episiotomy
72. Which of the following statements is true about folding and packaging a surgical gown and how that affects its sterility?
  1. When the pack is opened, the inside of the gowns exposed.
  2. When the pack is opened, the outside of the gown is exposed.
  3. When the pack is opened, the outside of the sleeves are exposed.
  4. Any method of folding and packaging is acceptable as long as the gown is sterilized.
73. When preparing a patient for surgery, what is an example of a suitable antiseptic for cleaning and preparing the surgical site?
  1. Hydrogen Peroxide
  2. Alcohol
  3. Hexachlorophene
  4. Chlorhexidine Gluconate
74. When considering proper patient draping for surgery, which of the following statements reflects proper use of the four corner draping technique?
  1. The drape should be drug along the patient's body to ensure proper placement.
  2. If the drape needs to be repositioned, it should be moved towards the sterile site.
  3. The sterile drape should be between the surgeon's sterile gown and the unsterile (undraped) surgical table.
  4. Towel clamps should be positioned so that they are lying on the patient's skin.
75. Which of the following statements is correct regarding high-energy ionizing radiation sterilization?
  1. Commonly used for instruments that can also be sterilized by heat
  2. Common sources of sterilization is Ethylene Oxide
  3. Common sources of sterilization include electron beam and Cobalt-60
  4. All materials can be irradiated successfully

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