Vascular Access (VA-BC) Certification
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Vascular Access (VA-BC) Certification Practice Questions
This module contains 200 expert-written questions.
The Vascular Access VA-BC Exam is a certification examination designed to assess the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals who place and manage vascular access devices, such as peripheral IV catheters, midline catheters, and PICCs (peripherally inserted central catheters). The exam is administered by the Vascular Access Certification Corporation (VACC), which is an independent organization that provides certification for healthcare professionals in vascular access.
The VA-BC exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, which are divided into two sections. The first section covers the knowledge and principles of vascular access, including anatomy and physiology, infection control, and patient assessment. The second section covers the clinical skills and procedures related to vascular access, such as device selection and insertion, complication management, and documentation.
To be eligible to take the VA-BC exam, candidates must have a current and unrestricted license to practice in a healthcare profession, such as nursing, radiology, or respiratory therapy, and have at least two years of experience in vascular access. Candidates must also complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education in vascular access within the two years prior to applying for the exam.
The VA-BC exam is administered at computer-based testing centers throughout the United States and Canada. Candidates are given four hours to complete the exam, and a passing score is 70% or higher. The VACC provides exam results within 30 days of the exam date.
The VA-BC certification is valid for four years, after which candidates must complete continuing education and reapply for recertification. The VA-BC certification is recognized by healthcare organizations and employers as a standard of excellence for healthcare professionals who specialize in vascular access.
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Caleb Williams, RN, CEN, TCRN
Caleb Williams, RN, CEN, TCRN
Benjamin “Caleb” Williams, RN, CEN, TCRN is an experienced medical writer and editor. At the time of writing, Caleb was certified as a RN in Idaho. He was previously licensed in New York and Pennsylvania. In addition to the RN certification, Caleb holds current BLS, ACLS, PALS, ENPC, and TNCC certifications.