Supply Chain Manager Exam Prep - Question List

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41. What is the correct order of the logistic cycle?
  1. Raw material, converting industry, primary industry, commerce, and recycling industry.
  2. Raw material, primary industry, converting industry, commerce, final consumer, and recycling industry.
  3. Converting industry, commerce, final consumer, government, and bank.
  4. Primary industry, raw material, manufacturing industry, commerce, final consumer, and government
42. In a ________, the retail chain structures its transportation network to have all shipments come directly from supplier to retail stores.
  1. Drop shipping network
  2. Direct shipping network
  3. Chinese shipping network
  4. All of the above.
43. ______________ consist of any uncertainties arising from the supply chain and environmental connections.
  1. Biological risk sources
  2. Environmental risk sources
  3. Natural risk sources
  4. Pre-natural environmental sources

Which of the following are considered the evaluation dimensions of distribution network design?

I. Customer needs that are met
II. Cost of meeting customer needs
III. Revenue of consumer sales

  1. I and II
  2. I and III
  3. I, II, and III
  4. None of the above
45. __________ is suited for a large variety of low demand, high value items where customers are willing to wait for delivery and accept several partial shipments.
  1. Drop shipping
  2. Direct shipping
  3. Line shipping
  4. Direct line shipping

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